Summer Term Student Health Insurance Requirement

(Applies to all Summer international students enrolled in campus-based programs.  It does not apply to Distance Education (online only) programs.  Distance Education student are not eligible for BU SHIP.)

All international students registered for Summer Term 2024 are required to have health insurance, and are automatically charged for and enrolled in Boston University’s Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) as part of their registration*. Students may waive enrollment in SHIP if they are enrolled in a comparable US-based health insurance plan. More information regarding the SHIP waiver requirement can be found on the Student Health Services website.  

The Summer 2024 Student Insurance Waiver form can be downloaded here.

*NOTE: Summer High School Program participants are not assessed automatically for SHIP. Summer High School Program participants who wish to enroll in BU SHIP for the duration of their Summer High School program should contact us at for rates and instructions, at least three weeks before the start of their program.

International students who register for the Summer 1 session or for both the Summer 1 and Summer 2 sessions are charged for enrollment in the Student Basic Plan for the full Summer coverage period of May 19–August 14, at a rate of $788 (Summer Twelve week rate).  (New Summer CELOP students:  Refer to CELOP’s website for the SHIP rates and dates for your CELOP program)

Summer only international students who attend the Summer 1 session only may contact Student Accounting Services at prior to the end of their Summer 1 studies to request to change from the Summer twelve week coverage period to the Summer 1 only six week coverage period of May 19-June 29.  See Summer 1 Six Week plan rates below.

Summer only international students who register for just the Summer 2 session are charged for enrollment in the Student Basic Plan for the Summer 2 coverage period of June 30-August 14, at rate of $412 (Summer 2 Six week rate). (New Summer CELOP students should refer to CELOP’s website for the rates and dates for their CELOP program


BU Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) Rates for Summer Term 2024**

Summer Twelve week plan:

Coverage for both the Summer 1 and Summer 2 sessions: May 19–August 14, 2024

Basic level: $788         Plus level: $1,059

Summer 1 Six week plan:

Coverage for the Summer 1 session only: May 19–June 29, 2024

Basic level: $376        Plus level: $505

Summer 2 Six week plan:

Coverage for the Summer 2 session only: June 30–August 14, 2024

Basic level: $412         Plus level: $554

Waiving SHIP

If you are enrolled in an ACA compliant health insurance plan that meets all of the elements of the Comparable Coverage Checklist, you may apply for a waiver of the Summer Student Health Insurance Plan charge.  Please download and follow the instructions to complete and submit the Summer 2024 SHIP waiver, and include a copy of the front and back of your health insurance card with the completed form.

International students assessed for SHIP with their Summer 1, 2024 registration: Deadline to submit insurance waiver: June 3

International students assessed for SHIP with their Summer 2, 2024 registration: Deadline to submit insurance waiver: July 12

New Summer CELOP students: Deadline to submit insurance waiver- First week of class.

Requesting Enrollment in SHIP:

The Boston University Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is offered at two plan levels, Student Basic, an ACA Gold level plan, and Student Plus, an ACA Platinum level plan.

New Summer International students:  If you wish to change from the Student Basic level to the Student Plus level, please send your request to at least one week before your program start date.  Plan levels cannot be changed after June 3 for students beginning in Summer 1, and July 12 for students beginning in Summer 2.

NOTE: Students must be enrolled at the Plus level to add eligible dependents.  If you wish to include eligible dependents, you must elect the Student Plus plan and also include the Summer 2024 Dependent Enrollment Application with your request to change your Summer coverage level from Student Basic to Student Plus. The insurance rates for dependent coverage are included on the form.

** New Summer CELOP students should refer to CELOP’s website for rates and dates for their program.

To compare the Student BASIC and Student PLUS plan features, please visit the Student Health Services website and select “Plan Documents and Other Resources.”

SHIP is administered by Aetna Student Health. For a detailed description of the plan benefits, provisions, and exclusions, visit the Aetna Student Health website.

Degree seeking domestic students whose first semester of registration is either Summer 1 2024 or Summer 2 2024 may request enrollment in SHIP for the summer period by emailing, at least one week before their program start date.  For more information, please visit our Add Insurance page.