Religious Affiliation* Advent Christian Church African Methodist Episcopal African Methodist Episcopal Zion American Baptist Churches in the USA Anglican Church of Canada Anglican, Other Assemblies of God Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Associated Gospel Churches of Canada Baptist Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec Baptist General Association of Virginia Baptist General Conference Baptist General Convention of Texas Baptist Missionary Association of America Baptist State Convention of North Carolina Baptist Union of Western Canada Brethren Church (Ashland, OH) Brethren in Christ Church Buddhist Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists Christian Mission and Alliance Christian Brethren (Plymouth Brethren) Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Christian Churches and Churches of Christ Christian Methodist Episcopal Christian Reformed Church Christian Science Church of God (Anderson, IN) Church of God (Cleveland, TN) Church of God in Christ Church of the Brethren Church of the Nazarene Churches of Christ Churches of God, General Conference Conference of Congregational Christian Churches Conference of Mennonites Conservative Baptist Association of America Convention of Atlantic Baptist Churches Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Cumberland Presbyterian Church Episcopal Church Evangelical Church in Canada Evangelical Congregational Church Evangelical Covenant Church Evangelical Formosan Church Evangelical Free Church of America Evangelical Free Church of Canada Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada Evangelical Presbyterian Church Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches Foursquare Gospel Church Free Methodist Church Friends, Quaker General Association of General Baptists General Association of Regular Baptist Churches General Baptist State Convention, NC General Church of New Jerusalem Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Independent Baptist Independent Methodist Inter/Multidenominational Jewish Korean Methodist Lutheran Church, Canada Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod Lutheran, Other Mennonite Brethren Church in NA Mennonite Church, Canada Mennonite Church, USA Mennonite Church, Other Missionary Church in Canada Moravian Church in America Muslim National Baptist Convention Non-denominational None North American Baptist Conference Orthodox Church in America Orthodox Presbyterian Orthodox, Other Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada Presbyterian Church in America Presbyterian Church in Canada Presbyterian Church, USA Progressive National Baptist Convention Reformed Church in America Reformed Church in Canada Reformed Episcopal Church Reformed Presbyterian Religious Society of Friends Roman Catholic Salvation Army Seventh Day Baptist General Conference Seventh-day Adventist Southern Baptist Convention Swedenborgian Church, General Convention Unitarian Universalist United Church of Canada United Church of Christ United Methodist Church United Pentecostal Church International Wesleyan Church Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod I do not wish to disclose this information Other
Religious Affiliation if "Other" If your religious affiliation was not included in the list above and you selected "Other," please indicate your affiliation in the text box.
Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan (US Citizens/Permanent Residents Only) Before making a loan request, you must read the following information on Loans and Annual Income:
Loans and Annual Income . List the amount you wish to borrow in the upcoming academic year. DO NOT ENTER "YES," AN AMOUNT MUST BE ENTERED. The maximum that can be borrowed is $20,500. Final eligibility is determined according to the FAFSA.
Outside Awards (awards from sources other than STH, e.g. a church or denomination - INDICATE WHETHER YOU WILL RECEIVE THE AWARD OR IF YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR IT AND THE AMOUNT/POTENTIAL AMOUNT) List all awards from sources outside STH that you have applied for or intended to apply for, and their potential amounts in this box. These awards will be recorded in your financial aid package for the academic year. These awards may reduce your eligibility for federal loans.