- department Macro Practice
- education BA (Political Science), University of New Hampshire
MA (Clinical Mental Health Counseling), Rivier College
MA (Social Policy), Brandeis University
PhD (Social Policy), Brandeis University
Linda Sprague Martinez, Ph.D., is an adjunct professor at Boston University School of Social Work. She is interested in examining asset-based strategies to tackle health inequities including community-engaged research (CEnR) approaches like community-based participatory research (CBPR) and youth-led participatory action research (YPAR). Having formerly worked in municipal and state governance, and as an adolescent mental health provider, she brings practical expertise in community collaborations designed to engage diverse communities of color and low-income residents in community planning and intervention development. In 2017 she was honored by the Boston Housing Authority’s Center for Community Engagement and Civil Rights, Resident Empowerment Coalition for her work in improving housing equity.
MP 774 Seminar: Community Planning
MP 786 Health Equity
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Brinkerhoff, C. A.*, Conner, B*, Troncoso Lama, M.**, Siqueira, C. E., & Negrón, R. (2020). El Sancocho, la bandera y la familia: The social life of food and its implications for Dominican immigrant health. Health Promotion and Practice.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Dimitri, N.*, Ron, S.**, Hudda, N., Zamore, W.**, Lowe, L.**, Brugge, D., & Reisner, E.** (2020). Two Communities, One Highway and the Fight for Clean Air: The Role of Political History in Shaping Community Engagement and Environmental Health Research Translation. BMC Public Health, 20 (1690).
Sprague Martinez, L.S. Rapkin, B.D., Young, A., Freisthler, B., Glasgow, L., Hunt,T., Salsberry,P., Oga, E.A., Bennet-Fallinh, A., Plouck, T.J., Drainoni, M.L., Freeman, P.R., Suratt, H., Gulley, J.**, Hamilton, G.A.*, Bowman, P.**, Roeber, C.A., El-Bassel, N., & Battaglia, T. (2020). Community Engagement to Implement Evidence-based Practices in the HEALing Communities Study. Drug and Alcohol Dependence (Special Issue).
Sprague Martinez, L., Pufall Jones, E., & Connolly, N.** (2020). From consultation to shared decision-making: Youth engagement strategies for promoting school and community wellbeing. Journal of School Health. (Special Issue), 90 (12), 976-984.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Tang Yan, C.*, Augsberger, A., Ndulue, U.J.*, Libsch, E.A.*, Pierre, J.S.*, Freeman, E.R.**, & Gergen Barnett, K. (2020). Changing the face of health care delivery: The importance of youth participation. Health Affairs, 39(10), 1776-1782.
Sprague Martinez, L., Chassler, D., Alfaro Cortes, M.*, Baum, M.*, Guzman-Betancourt, G.*, Reyes, D.*, Lopez, L.M., Roberts, M.**, De Jesus, D.**, Stewart, E.**, Muroff, J. (2020). Visual ethnography: Decriminalization and stable housing equals motivation, stability, and recovery among Latinx populations. American Journal of Public Health, 110(6), pp. 840–841.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Tang, C.*, McClay, C., & Zaff, J. (2020). Adult reflection on engaging youth of color in research and action: A case study from five United States cities. Journal of Adolescent Research.
Buitron de la Vega, P., Losi, S., Sprague Martinez, L., Bovell-Ammon, A., Garg, A., James, T., Ewens, A., Stack, M., DeCarvalho, H., Sandel, M., Grochow, R., Deych, S., Pelletier, P., & Kressin, N.R. (2019). Implementing an EHR-based Screening and Referral System to Address Social Determinants of Health in Primary Care. Medical Care, 57, S133-S139.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Carolan, K.*, O’Donnell, A.E.*, Diaz, Y.** & Freeman, E.R.** (2018). Community Engagement in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: Benefits, Barriers and Measurement. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 2 (6), 371-376
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Richards-Schuster, K., Teixeira, S., & Augsberger, A. (2018). The power of prevention + youth voice: A strategy for social work. Social Work (Journal of the National Association of Social Workers) 63, (2), 135–143.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Wangari Walter, A., Acevedo, A., Lopez, L.M. & Lundgren, L. (2018). Context matters: Health disparities in substance use disorders and treatment. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 18 (1), 84-98.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Freeman, E.R.** & Winkfield, K. (2017). Perceptions of cancer care and clinical trials in the black community: Implications for care coordination between oncology and primary care teams. The Oncologist, 22, 1094–1101.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Reisner, E.**, Campbell, M.* & Brugge, D. (2017). Participatory democracy, community organizing and the Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health (CAFEH) Partnership. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Special Issue “Toxicology, Exposure Assessment and Epidemiology of Primary and Secondary Ultrafine Particles”, 14(2), 149.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Reich, A.J.*, Flores, C.*, Ndulue, U.J.*, Brugge, Gute, D.M., & Peréa, F. C. (2017). Critical discourse, applied inquiry and public health action with urban middle school students: Lessons learned engaging youth in critical service-learning. Journal of Community Practice, 25(1), 68-89.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Reich, A.J.*, Flores, C.*, Ndulue, U.J.*, Brugge, Gute, D.M., Peréa, F. C. (in press). Critical discourse, applied inquiry and public health action with urban middle school students: Lessons learned engaging youth in critical service-learning. Journal of Community Practice, 25(1).
Gonzales, E., Shen, H. W., Wang, Y., Martinez, L. S., & Norstrand, J. (2016). Race and place: Exploring the intersection of inequity and volunteerism among older black and white adults. Journal of Gerontological Social Work.
Rubin, C. L., Martinez, L. S., Tse, L., Brugge, D., Hacker, K., Pirie, A., & Leslie, L. K. (2016). Creating a culture of empowerment in research: Findings from a capacity-building training program. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, 10(3), 479-488.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Bowers, E., Reich, A.J.*, Ndulue, U.J.*, Le, A.*, Peréa, F. C. (2016). Engaging youth of color in applied science education and public health promotion. International Journal of Science Education. doi:10.1080/09500693.2015.1134850
Freeman, E.R.**, Seifer, S.D.**, Stupak, M.*, Sprague Martinez, L.S. (2014). Community Engagement in the CTSA Program: Stakeholder Responses from a National Delphi Process. Clinical Translational Science Journal, 7(3), 191-5. PMID: 24841362
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Reich, A.*, Dalembert, F.**, Gute, G. Peréa, F. C. (2013). Employing community based participatory research methods to “bear witness”: Psycho-social impact of the 2010 earthquake on Haitians in Somerville, MA. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. 16(6), 1201-1207. PMID: 23515968
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Peréa, F. C, Ursillo, A.*, Weeks, F.*, Godstein-Gelb, W.** & Brugge, D. (2013). A democratic university-community administrative body dedicated to expanding community-engaged research: The Tufts Community Research Center (TCRC). The Journal of the Community Development Society, 44(1), 97-110. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15575330.2012.678873
Sprague Martinez, L. S., Peréa, F. C., Ursillo, A.*, Pirie, A.**, Ndulue, U.J.*, Oliveira, C.**, & Gute, D. M. (2012). Research-as-curriculum: Engaging undergraduates and community residents in immigrant health research partnerships. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research Education and Action, 6(4), 491-8. PMID: 23221295
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Russell, B.**, Leung Rubin, C., Leslie, L. K. & Brugge, D. (2012). Clinical and translational research and community engagement: Implications for researcher capacity building. Clinical Translational Science, 5(4), 329-32. PMID: 22883610
Ndulue, U.J.*, Peréa, F. C., Sprague Martinez, L.S. (2012). Team-building activities as strategies for improving community-university partnerships: Lessons learned from Nuestro Futuro Saludable. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research Education and Action, 6(2), 213-218. PMID: 22820231
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Ndulue, U.J.*, Seller, S.*, Gute, D.M., Brugge, D., & Peréa, F. C. (2012). All public health is local: Revisiting the importance of local sanitation through the eyes of youth. American Journal of Public Health, 102(6), 1058-1060. PMID: 22515855
National Institutes of Health, Harnessing the Power of Patients and Stakeholders to Advance the Research Goals of the NIH HEAL Initiative (2021). Community Engagement in the HEALing Communities Study MA. Invited Panelist.
American School Health Association, Every School Healthy: Equity in Education in a Public Health Crisis, webinar (2020). Youth engagement to advance equity. Invited Panelist.
Health Affairs, Children’s Health: Improving Equity and Access, webinar (2020). Changing the face of health care delivery: The importance of youth participation. Invited Panelist.
9th Annual BU CTSI Translational Science Symposium, Boston, MA (2021). Race & Research: Old Challenges, New Approaches. White Supremacy Culture: What is it and How Does it Impede Community Engaged Research?. Invited Speaker.
Brugge, D., Turner, A.,* Lowe, L.,** Reisner, E.,** Durant, J., Zamore, W., ** & Sprague Martinez, L.S. (2018). Using research on near roadway UFP to influence policy and practice in Boston, MA. Urban Transitions 2018: Integrating Urban & Transport Planning, Environmental and Health for Healthier Urban Living, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain.
Augsberger, A., Springwater, J., Hilliard-Koshinsky, G., Mitchell, K. & Sprague Martinez, L.S. (2019). Engaging youth in child welfare policy advocacy: Success and challenges of a multi-state youth advisory board. Child Welfare League of America, Inc. National Conference: Advancing equity in practice and in policy. Washington, DC.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Carolan, K.,* Freeman, E.R.,** Fonseca, C.* & Charlot, M. (2018). Interdisciplinary collaboration and community engagement as tools for tackling inequity: Establishing a mechanism for patient powered cancer research at a safety-net hospital. Oral presentation. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting (APHA), San Diego, CA.
Buitron de la Vega, P., Sprague Martinez, L., Kressin, N. R., Losi, S., Ewen, A., Stack, M., Hu, A.**, Gill, S.** & Garg, A. (2018), Developing a Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Screening and Referral Process. Poster Presentation. Preventive Medicine 2018, American College of Preventive Medicine, Chicago, Il.
Sprague Martinez, L.S. (2018). Increasing resident voice in the redevelopment process: A community practice partnership. Oral presentation. 22stAnnual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, DC.
Richards-Schuster, K., Teixeira, S., Augsberger, A. & Sprague Martinez, L.S. (2018). Engaging youth voice: Participatory strategies for achieving equity and justice. Round table presentation. 22stAnnual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), Washington, DC.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Zaff, J., McClay, C. & Tang, C. (2017). Barriers to wellness-- voices and views from youth in five cities. Oral presentation. Child Welfare League of America, Inc. National Conference: Highlighting Successful Strategies to Address the Needs of Children, Youth, and Families, Washington, DC.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Formal, R., Toncoso, M.**, & Peréa, F.C. (2017). A community driven research and action project to diversify the gentrification dialog. Oral presentation. 21stAnnual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), New Orleans, LA.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Zaff, J., McClay, C. Tang, C. (2017). The determinants of health through the eyes of youth: A multi-site youth-led health assessment. Accepted for Oral Presentation, 21stAnnual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR), New Orleans, LA.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Negron, R., Araujo Brinkerhoff, C.* & Siqueira, C.E (2016). A community-engaged transdisciplinary process to study culture in transnational immigrant communities. Oral Presentation. Council of Social Work Education Annual Meetings (CSWE), Atlanta, GA.
Sprague Martinez, L.S. (2016). Engaging youth of color in applied science education and public health promotion. Oral Presentation at Boston College, Institute for the Study of Race and Culture, Sixteenth annual Diversity Challenge: “Race, Culture, and Educating Our Youths: Developing Whole People Not Widgets, Boston, MA.
Sprague Martinez, L.S. (2016). Nuestro Futuro Saludable applied inquiry and action: Engaging middle school youth of color in critical service-learning. Oral Presentation at Boston College, Institute for the Study of Race and Culture, Sixteenth annual Diversity Challenge: “Race, Culture, and Educating Our Youths: Developing Whole People Not Widgets, Boston, MA.
Sprague Martinez, L.S., Negron, R., Araujo Brinkerhoff, C.*, Reich, A. J. & Siqueira, C.E (2016). Project AquiLá: A community engaged transdisciplinary process to study culture in transnational communities in Massachusetts. Poster Presentation at Science of Team Science Conference (SciTS), Phoenix, AZ.
2020-2025 Investigator & Co-Lead Community Engagement Core. Center, D. et al.., The Boston University Clinical Translational Science Institute (BU CTSI). National Center for Advancing Translational Science (UL1TR001430).
2020-2025 Investigator. Wang, Weinberg, J., Sprague Martinez, L.S., Lemon, S. & M., Rosal, M. Preventing Childhood Obesity Through Youth Empowerment: A Cluster RCT of the H2GO! Program (R01DK120713-01A1).
2019-2023 Investigator & Co-Director Community Engagement Core. Samet, J. et al.., MassHEAL: Reducing overdose deaths by 40%. National Institute on Drug Abuse (M1DA049412).
2019-2024 Investigator. Brugge, D., Reisner E., Durant, J., Hudda, N., Sprague Martinez, L.S., Zamore, W., Thanikachalam, M., Ira Hochman, B., & Eliasziw, M. HAFTRAP-Home Air Filtration for Traffic-Related Air Pollution. National Institute of Environmental Health and Safety (R01ES030289-01A1).
2016-2021 Investigator. Brugge D., Reisner E., Durant, J., Zamore, W., Lowe, L., Sprague Martinez, L.S., Kurtz-Rossi, S., Eliasziw, M., & Keppard, B. Near Highway Pollution: From Research to Action, National Institute of Environmental Health and Safety (R01ES026980).
Principal Investigator. (2016-2019). Sprague Martinez, L.S., Rajabuin, S. & Drainoni, M. Using Community Health Workers (CHWs) to Improve Linkage & Retention in HIV Care. HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau, Division of Community-Based HIV Programs (U69HA30462), $6,000,000.
Co-Principal Investigator/Director of Engagement. (2016-2018). Freeman, E.R. & Sprague Martinez, L.S. Boston BRI…DGE: Building Research Infrastructure…Developing Genuine Engagement, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), $248,773.
Principal Investigator. (2016-2017). Sprague Martinez, L.S. & DeVoe, E. Jr.Ball: Collaborative Youth Sport-Based Intervention to Promote Positive Development Among Youth of Color in Boston, MA, Institute on Cities, $10,000.
Principal Investigator. (2014-2016). Sprague Martinez, L.S., Troncoso, M. Peréa, F.C. Research and Action: An Exploratory Study of Dominican Immigrants’ Perceptions of Gentrification, Tufts University Community Research Center, $15,000.
Principal Investigator. (2014-2016). Sprague Martinez, L.S., Negron, R. Siqueira, C.E. Diversity Supplement Transnationalism, Networks and Culture: Implications for Health and Behavior, NIMHD R24MD008819-02S1, $109,316.
Principal Investigator. (2013-2016). Sprague Martinez, L.S., Negron, R. Siqueira, C.E. Transnationalism, Networks and Culture: Implications for Health and Behavior, OBSSR & NIMHD R24MD00819, $493,873.
Professional Activities and Certifications
2016: Research Director, Center for Community Health, Education, Research and Service, Inc., Roxbury, MA.
2016: Member (Lead for strategic aim #1), Mission Advisory Group, Boston Medical Center, Boston, MA.
2014: Assistant Professor, Public Health and Community Medicine Tufts University, Boston MA.
2015: Alumni Board Member, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Waltham, MA.
2012: Special Emphasis Panel Reviewer (P20, R24, R01, T32 programs), National Institutes of Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC.
Awards and Honors
2017: Resident Empowerment Honoree, Boston Housing Authority, Center for Community Engagement and Civil Rights, Resident Empowerment Coalition, Boston MA.
2015: Finalist, Ernest A. Lynton Award for the Scholarship of Engagement for Early Career. The New England Resource Center for Higher Engagement and the Center for Engaged Democracy, Boston MA.
2012: Early Career Reviewer, National Institutes of Health, Center for Scientific Review, Bethesda, MD.
2011-2013: Recipient, Student Loan Repayment Program, National Institutes of Minority Health and Health Disparities, Bethesda, MD.
2010: Multicultural Service Award (Tufts University)
2004: Balis Family Award in Social Justice (Brandeis University)
2003: Award for Outstanding Commitment to Providing Access to Services in Communities of Color (State of New Hampshire, Department of Health and Human Services)
• Youth-led research and action
• Community-driven approaches to health promotion.
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