Associate Professor Jordana Muroff Quoted in Huffington Post Article

Boston University School of Social Work Associate Professor Jordana Muroff, Ph.D, was interviewed by The Huffington Post’s Carlin Florin for the article “8 Signs you Might Become a Hoarder.”

Muroff notes that 80 percent of hoarders began by 18 and that the onset of hoarding begins, on average, at age 12 or 13. Florin also references Muroff’s preliminary research study, suggesting youth who struggle to make decisions have a higher risk of becoming hoarders.

Within the article, Muroff also disputes the myth that hoarding and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder are connected. “Only 18 percent of hoarders also suffer from OCD,” she says. “Treating hoarding with the same drugs and therapies used to treat OCD doesn’t work that well.”

Other scholars join Muroff and suggest genetics, among other characteristics, are signs that you may become a hoarder. The complete article and further information about hoarding can be found here.