L. Adrienne Cupples Award.
This Year’s Winner: Nandita Mitra, PhD
The Department of Biostatistics is pleased to announce that Nandita Mitra, PhD will be the recipient of the 2024 L. Adrienne Cupples Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service in Biostatistics.
Dr. Mitra will visit BUSPH to receive the award and give a presentation on:
Thursday, April 4, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Hiebert Lounge and Zoom
Dr. Mitra is Professor of Biostatistics Professor of Biostatistics in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics at the Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania. Briefly, the Cupples award was created to recognize a biostatistician whose academic achievements reflect the contributions to teaching, research, and service exemplified by Professor L. Adrienne Cupples. Dr. Mitra was selected because of her substantial achievements in each of these areas. Dr. Mitra is currently Vice Chair of Education and Co-Director of the Center for Causal Inference in the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics at Penn.
Additionally, she is Chair of the Budget & Finance Committee for the International Biometrics Society, Chair of the American Statistical Association Statistics in Epidemiology Section, and Secretary of the Society for Causal Inference and was recently awarded the American Statistical Association’s prestigious Mentorship Award. She is Editor-in-Chief of Observational Studies and a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. While the Cupples Award Committee noted her significant contributions to teaching, research, and service broadly, they felt that her nomination was particularly distinguished in the areas of teaching and mentoring. This was evidenced by her numerous teaching awards including being the recipient of the 2022 ASA Mentoring Award. Additionally, it was noted that Dr. Mitra has played an influential role in guiding numerous PhD students who have gone on to make their own significant contributions to biostatistics and she has provided instrumental enhancements to Penn’s graduate programs in biostatistics. Additionally, Dr. Mitra is internationally recognized for her work in statistical methods for health policy research, causal inference, instrumental variables, cost-effectiveness, spillover effects, and difference-in-difference methodologies, and her collaborations span various areas of public health and cancer research.
She has an outstanding publication record, having made significant contributions to over 300 peer-reviewed manuscripts in leading statistical and medical journals. Additionally, Dr. Mitra has an exceptional service record including key leadership roles in several sections of the American Statistical Association, ENAR, IBS as well as numerous editorial positions. Finally, colleagues and mentees of Dr. Mitra spoke very highly of her, often describing her as “supportive, inspiring, and generous with her time”. These are all attributes that are supremely aligned with the spirit of the award in Professor Cupples’ honor.
For these reasons collectively, we are pleased to select Dr. Mitra as the recipient of the 2024 L. Adrienne Cupples Award!
Purpose of the Award
This annual award recognizes a biostatistician whose academic achievements reflect the contributions to teaching, research, and service exemplified by Professor L. Adrienne Cupples. Dr. Cupples joined the faculty at the Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) in 1981 and later served as founding Chair of the Department of Biostatistics and Co-Executive Director of the Graduate Program in Biostatistics. During her tenure at BUSPH, she advanced the field of biostatistics through extensive publications in major journals and book chapters on collaborative and methodological research, development and effective teaching of a wide range of biostatistics courses, and mentorship of numerous graduate students and faculty.
Past Winners
2022: Michael J. Daniels
2021: Xihong Lin
2020: Bhramar Mukherjee
2019: Stanley Lemeshow
2018: Nicholas P. Jewell
2017: Janet Sinsheimer
2016: Mark van der Laan
2015: Sharon-Lise Normand
2014: David DeMets
2013: Ellen Wijsman
2012: Adrienne Cupples