The Next Normal: Global Health.

The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the many ways in which we need to create better structures that generate population health and promote health equity. “The Next Normal” is a series of programs designed to take a moment to pause and ask, as we emerge from the pandemic, what we have learned and why, in order to promote the health of all, we cannot return to pre-pandemic normal. This program will explore the challenges and opportunities the COVID-19 pandemic presented related to global health, reflecting on how we can use our learnings to build a better next normal.

Cohosted with The Consortium of Universities for Global Health. 


  • @JohnsHopkinsSPH

    Olakunle Alonge

    Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

  • @Dr_Le_UCSF

    Phuoc Le

    Associate Professor, University of California San Francisco

  • @legidoquigley

    Helena Legido-Quigley

    Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Migration and Health; Associate Professor, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

  • @DrMariaNeira

    María Neira

    Director, Public Health, Environment and Social Determinants of Health Department, World Health Organization

  • @mhzaman

    Muhammad Zaman

    MODERATOR Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor, Boston University


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    On 9/13, join @BUSPH, Olakunle Alonge @JohnsHopkinsSPH, @Dr_Le_UCSF, @LegidoQuigley, and @DrMariaNeira to explore the challenges and opportunities the COVID-19 pandemic presented related to #GlobalHealth. Register: #SPHConversations #NextNormal Click to Tweet

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