This is the fourth installment of our Teaching Public Health series, which began in 2018. For this year’s symposium, our focus is on Writing and Communication, recognizing how central communication is to effective public health. This has been more evident than ever in the time of COVID. Yet, there has not been focused attention on effective public health communication in formal or informal curricula in programs and schools of public health. The symposium will explore promising practices in teaching public health writing and communication, highlighting lessons learned from the past two years as public health communication has been highly scrutinized, and looking toward a future where all public health professionals are well trained for effective communication.


  • @jenbeard7

    Jennifer Beard

    Clinical Associate Professor, Boston University School of Public Health (SPH '06)

  • @RAKaczmarcik

    Rose Anna Kaczmarcik

    Vice President, Social Impact at Syneos Health (SPH '08)

  • @CommunicateHlth

    Ashley King

    Health Communication Manager, CommunicateHealth (SPH '16)

  • @uwsph

    Sara Mackenzie

    Professor Emeritus, University of Washington School of Public Health

  • @xlnan

    Xiaoli Nan

    Professor, University of Maryland-College Park

  • @vishplus

    Kasisomayajula Viswanath

    Professor, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health

  • @BUSPH

    Lisa Sullivan

    Associate Dean for Education, Boston University School of Public Health (MODERATOR)


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