Professor Stone and Graduate Alumni Polly Rizova and Xiaoshuo Hou Publish Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism
The Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism is a five volume, 1.5 million word reference work to be published in December 2015 by Wiley-Blackwell. Consisting of hundreds of entries written by leading experts on the topics from all over the world, it also has many contributions from scholars drawn from both the faculty and advanced graduate students from the Sociology Department and Boston University generally.
Among the five editors are John Stone, Polly Rizova and Xiaoshuo Hou, the last two being PhD sociology graduates who received their degrees in 2003 and 2008 respectively, and are currently Associate Professors at the Willamette Graduate School of Management in Portland OR and the sociology department of St. Lawrence University in Canton, NY. The department faculty who have contributed articles to the Encyclopedia include Nazli Kibria, Julian Go, Susan Eckstein, Liah Greenfeld, Sigrun Olafsdottir and Ashley Mears, as well as more than a dozen by John Stone. A select group of some of our best PhD and MA students, from Sociology, African American Studies, Sociology and Social Work, and other social science programs have also written on their specialist areas. The Encyclopedia will be a definitive reference work providing insight and understanding about so many of the central challenges confronting modern society.