Boston University is committed to fostering a safe environment where all members of the University community can work, learn, and thrive.
BU Resources
Response resources
Sexual Assault Response & Prevention Center (SARP)
Provides confidential care, support, and advocacy for victims of sexual assault, and promotes awareness and prevention of sexual misconduct
BU Safety: Sexual Misconduct
Overview of BU policies, procedures, and resources related to sexual misconduct
Prevention & education resources
Sexual Misconduct Prevention Trainings
An online training that teaches students information and skills about how to safely intervene in situations that may lead to sexual violence, and discusses students’ rights and responsibilities related to sexual misconduct
Step Up Step In BU
Peer-led training for undergraduate students that raises awareness aboutsexual violence and what BU students can do to help prevent it
A training to help graduate students identify opportunities and build skills to interrupt sexual misconduct
This Dating Life
A program about the key components of a healthy relationship, healthy boundaries, and signs of unhealthy and abusive relationships
Consent & Sex-Positivity
A program about the messages people receive about sex, and how we can challenge the unhealthy messages by replacing them with messages centered on sex-positivity and consent
Local Resource
Community resources
Free, confidential support and services to survivors of sexual violence
Fenway Violence Recovery Program
Community health center with a specialization in healthcare for the LGBTQ+ community, people living with HIV/AIDS, and the Boston community.
The Network/La Red
LGBTQ+ focused dating and domestic violence support groups, information, and resources
Information on definitions, state laws, and resources on sexual violence/assault