Part-Time and Summer Jobs

The Student Job Service provides a no-fee listing service for your permanent part-time jobs and part-time or full-time summer positions. Jobs are password protected and viewable only by Boston University students. This is our guarantee of quality.

If you are interested in filling a permanent full-time position or an unpaid internship, please contact the Center for Career Development.

You can post your job using our web form, or contact the Student Job Service by phone or e-mail.

Jobs are posted for four weeks. You will be notified via e-mail at least two weeks before your listing is due to expire. At that time, you may repost for another four weeks, or you may do nothing and let the listing end. There is no limit on the number of times you may repost a job. Repost your job online, or contact us by phone or e-mail

We recommend that you give students multiple ways to contact you about your position. Please note, however, that any contact information you provide for a part-time job is viewable by all BU students. You can request that certain information be masked by notifying us at the time of posting.

Students will contact you directly if they are interested in your job. When your position has been filled, remove your posting online, or notify us by phone or e-mail. If you hire a Boston University student, please provide us with his or her full name.