Annual Renewals

An email notice of Annual Renewal will be sent to the PIs at the first and second years after initial approval of a protocol. This Annual Renewal should be completed in RIMS. Detailed instructions on completing the Annual Renewal in RIMS are found below.

Annual Renewal Instructions

To complete the renewal, PIs should list all proposed modification from the protocol as initially approved (or since the last renewal notice), including any changes in laboratory location or equipment, changes in laboratory staff working on the project, any project titles to be added, and any agent or experimental changes.

If there are significant modification from the protocol, especially those that affect the containment level (i.e., new study on organisms, a new host-vector-donor system, or any other modifications that may affect the containment level), the IBC will send the protocol for commitee reviewe and approval.

When a project is renewed, the PI and all lab staff must complete the Lab Safety Annual Refresher Training requirement, the annual Research Occupational Health Program (ROHP) clearance (contact ROHP at; 617-414-7647), and any other training requirements applicable to the project.

For changes in PI, the new PI must attach two-page NIH biosketch to the renewal form, and this must be reviewed by the full committee.

The IBC Office will notify you when your Annual Renewal has been processed and approved. IBC approval is required before any changes in the work can commence.

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