IACUC Training

Boston University has a mandatory training program, outlined in the University’s Personnel Training and Qualifications Policy, comprised of IACUC Orientation and Working with the IACUCInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee IACUC oversee..., described below. The training program is based on federal regulations and provides information on animal welfare regulations, Public Health Service policies, and basic IACUC policies and standards.

Training is required for all animal users to ensure they are qualified to work with and handle animals. All individuals working with laboratory animals must complete IACUC training prior to being approved to work on an IACUC protocol.

IACUC Orientation

This one-time training is required of all principal investigators and personnel who will work with live vertebrate animals at BU and must be completed before an individual can be approved on an animal care and use protocol. IACUC Orientation is accessed via SciShield.

Working with the IACUC

This training is a requirement for all persons who will work with live vertebrate animals at BU. This course must be completed before an individual can be approved on an animal care and use protocol and every three years thereafter. Working with the IACUC is accessed via SciShield.

Additional Training Requirements and Resources

AALAS Learning Library

All individuals working with laboratory animals at Boston University have access to an online learning library through the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) which can be accessed via SciShield. Various courses are available  through the AALAS Learning Library including those trainings that may be required by the Animal Science Center. Other courses , such as those that are species-specific, can be accessed in AALAS under the headings “Libraries” and “Animal Care and Use Courses.” Other AALAS Courses can be accessed via SciShield under Training / Course Directory / IACUC, ASC, and AALAS Trainings / Other AALAS Courses / AALAS Learning Library.

Additional BU Requirements

After your animal use protocol is approved, the BU Animal Science Center (ASC) conducts additional trainings for animal researchers, some mandatory and some optional. Learn more on the ASC training page. Lab safety training, agent specific training, and other additional trainings may be required depending on the research. Research Occupational Health clearances will also be required.

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