Fossil fuels have provided major benefits to populations in affordability and well-being but also created large impacts on the health of people and the planet. In the face of climate change, new and ongoing research aims to understand the interconnectedness of energy, society, and the environment and to develop new technologies and policies that drive the transition to clean energy.

In this Research on Tap, BU faculty from across disciplines will explore the challenges of our fossil fuel dependence from multiple angles, including how energy affects local air and water quality, the effects of climate change and the energy system on society, and the new technologies required to ensure affordable and efficient clean energy and how business can aid in that transition. View agenda and event slides.

Featuring: Cutler J. Cleveland and Emily Ryan (hosts) | Ayse Coskun | Eric Cueny | Emiliano Dall’Anese | Patricia Fabian | Kevin P. Gallagher | Srikanth Gopalan | Dan Li | Benjamin Sovacool | Ian Sue WingMary Willis

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About Research on Tap

The Research on Tap series, sponsored by the BU Office of Research, brings together groups of BU researchers around important topics. At each event, 10-12 researchers present a maximum of four slides and deliver a four-minute “elevator pitch” of their work. Research on Tap events are open to faculty, staff, postdocs, and graduate students. Each presentation is followed by refreshments and lively discussion with colleagues and potential collaborators.

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