Research on Tap: Artificial Intelligence for Biomedicine and Healthcare (2022)

Faculty Hosts: Lei Tian, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering; David Boas, Director, Neurophotonics Center; and Yannis Paschalidis, Director Hariri Institute

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) are driving a revolution in biomedical research and clinical healthcare. These methods include predictive health-analytics for modeling diseases with chronic conditions, neurodegenerative conditions, prescriptive health-analytics for recommendation of treatment and medication, and DL-augmented biomedical devices for imaging and diagnosis.

This Research on Tap will bring together method developers and users across the University to share ongoing research in their laboratories. Join us to see how BU faculty are advancing AI/ML/DL methods to enable future-generation methods and devices for biomedicine and healthcare. View agenda and slides

Featuring: Yannis Paschalidis | Emma Lejeune | Daniel Segre|Mark Kramer | David Boas | Lei Tian | Ji-Xin Cheng | Vijaya B. Klachalma | Margrit BetkeKayhan BatmanghelichAdriana Tomic

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