Upcoming Events
Below, review our upcoming events for the summer and the 2022-2023 Program Year.
Fall Retreat 2022
Spring Capstone 2023
Recent Events

Below, review our most recent events from the Spring semester.
For a detailed review of our events from this past year and previous years, please refer to our Program Newsletters.
June 2022
Launching the “Helping to Heal Our Nation” Video Series
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RCT, in partnership with the STH Life-Long Learning Program, is launching the video series, “Helping to Heal Our Nation” this Summer (2022) as a resource for the STH community and beyond.
The series offers presentations and conversations among five visiting RCT researchers with diverse faiths and a shared commitment to peace-making and social justice. The visiting researchers contributed to the RCT program from the Fall of 2019 and continued with monthly meetings until the Fall of 2021. This series was filmed during the Spring Semester of 2021 in response to the growing divisions in the US. The visiting researchers shared their work and elicited feedback from each other, engaging in mutual learning and defining critical questions that need to be addressed in the field of Religion and Conflict Transformation.
The issues discussed are wide and varied, including anti-racism, gender-based discrimination, transforming difficult conversations, strengthening ties across ideological differences, mysticism; activism, policy, law-making, and social movements; and practical methods of Conflict Transformation. We hope this video series will contribute to the ongoing conversation regarding the role of religion in addressing and contributing to healing growing divisions in the U.S. Discussions following each video will be facilitated by RCT staff Oscar Guana. For more information about the summer program on “Responses to Brokenness,” which will feature this video series, please be on the lookout for updates from Lifelong Learning in the coming weeks.
Friday, May 6th, 2022
Retirement Dinner for Dr. Oleson and Bishop Susan Hassinger
Community Room
5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
On May 6th, BU School of Theology hosted a retirement dinner for Dr. Oleson and Bishop Susan Hassinger. Thank you, Dr. Oleson, and congratulations on your retirement!

Friday, April 22nd, 2022
“BTI/RCT Capstone Colloquium”
STH 325
8:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
On April 22, 2022, the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium and the Tom Porter Program on Religion and Conflict Transformation celebrated the BTI/RCT 2022 graduates during the annual Capstone Colloquium. Attendees had an opportunity to hear each graduating participant in the program share learnings from their studies, as well as how these learnings will guide them in their future work. We are so proud of all of our students for their excellent papers and presentations! Congratulations, grads!