Richard Stuebi
Lecturer, Strategy and Innovation
Leadership of energy and sustainability programs and courses at the Questrom School of Business at Boston University (BU), based on 35+ years of experience in energy industry in a variety of senior consultant, executive, entrepreneurial and investor roles. Secondary appointment as Industry Relations Manager for the energy sector at Questrom’s Feld Center for Career & Alumni Engagement. Affiliated faculty at BU’s Institute for Global Sustainability. Bachelors degree in Economics from MIT, Masters degree in Economics from Stanford, Ph.D. in Marketing from Virginia Tech. Academic research interest: consumer behavior in relation to choices with significant environmental impact.
Selected Research Presentations
Stuebi, R. , Chakravarti, D. , Staelin, R. , Jiang, J. Signaling Green or Geek: How Consumer Motivation Differentially Affects the Influence of Economic and Inconvenience Disadvantages on EV Purchase Likelihood, ISMS Marketing Science, Miami, 2023
Stuebi, R. , Chakravarti, D. The Perceived Desirability of Electric Vehicle Purchases: Motivational Drivers and the Impact of Incremental Economic and Time Expenditures, ISMS Marketing Science, Chicago, 2022
Ren, Z. , Stuebi, R. Sustainable African Electricity Sector Expansion: The Critical Role of Social Factors, Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy, Boston, 2021
Stuebi, R. (2022). Ethical Issues Associated With Multi-User Microgrids.”Research Handbook on Energy, Law and Ethics”, Edward Elgar Publishing
Stuebi, R. (2021). Consideration of Microgrids for Data Centers.”Data Center Handbook Plan, Design, Build, and Operations of a Smart Data Center”, John Wiley & Sons
Ren, Z., Stuebi, R., Adukonu, E., Wang, P., Zhang, T. (2020). “Bringing Power and Progress to Africa in a Financially and Environmentally Sustainable Manner”, Boston University Institute for Sustainable Energy
Stuebi, R., Fabrizio, K., Benzaoui, J., Smith, R. (2018). “Multi-User Microgrids: Obstacles to Development and Recommendations for Advancement”,
Stuebi, R., Hatch, J. (2018). “Assessment of Haiti’s Electricity Sector”,
Stuebi, R. (2006). Other Power Generation Technologies.”On-Site Power Generation A Reference Book”, Electrical Generating Systems Assn
Stuebi, R. (2006). Solar Energy.”On-Site Power Generation A Reference Book”, Electrical Generating Systems Assn
Stuebi, R. (2006). Wind.”On-Site Power Generation A Reference Book”, Electrical Generating Systems Assn
Stuebi, R. (2006). Biomass.”On-Site Power Generation A Reference Book”, Electrical Generating Systems Assn
Kamat, D., Ostrowski, K., Stuebi, R. (1996). “Winning in the emerging energy services business”, The Electricity Journal, 9 (7), 24-32
Stuebi, R. (1990). “New Power Technologies: Too Important and Interesting to Ignore”, The Electricity Journal
Elman, B., Braine, B., Stuebi, R. (1990). “Acid Rain Emission Allowances and Future Capacity Growth in the Electric Utility Industry”, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 40 (7), 979-986
Stuebi, R., Mann, C., Braine, B. (1990). “Eastern Low Sulfur Coal Markets and Acid Rain Legislation”, Public Utilities Fortnightly