
Beginning in 2016, Provost’s Faculty Fellows for Undergraduate Affairs and Graduate Affairs have been working with the schools and colleges on the substantive issues involved in their proposals for new academic programs and changes to programs.

Those selected for the honor are respected  scholars and researchers from across the BU academic community. As proposals make their way through the university-level peer review process (eCAP), the Fellows coordinate with members of the Provost’s staff to assure the integrity and efficiency of the review.

Current Faculty Fellows

2022 Fellow for Undergraduate Affairs – Lida Maxwell

Professor, Department of Political Science and Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Dr. Lida Maxwell is an associate professor of political science and women’s, gender, and sexuality studies in the College of Arts & Sciences, with a research focus on political theory, feminist theory, queer theory, and environmental political theory. Dr. Maxwell has been a distinguished member of the BU faculty since 2018, and in this time has served as a Fellow for the Boston University Center for Humanities and a member of the General Education Committee. During more than 15 years of teaching experience, Dr. Maxwell has been widely published, with articles appearing in Political Theory, Contemporary Political Theory, and Theory and Event. She is currently working on a new venture exploring environmental and queer political theory.

2023 Fellow for Graduate Programs and Policies – Noora Lori

Associate Professor of International Relations, Fredrick S. Pardee School of Global Studies

Noora Lori is an associate professor of international relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies. Her research broadly focuses on citizenship, migration, and statelessness. She is interested in temporal strategies of migration enforcement and has written about citizenship regimes and naturalization policies, temporary migration schemes, and racial hierarchies in comparative perspective. Regionally, her work examines the shifting population movements accompanying state formation in the Persian Gulf, expanding the study of Middle East politics to include historic and new connections with East Africa and the Indian subcontinent.

Dr. Lori co-directs the Pardee School Initiative on Forced Migration and Human Trafficking with Professor Kaija Schilde. She serves on the steering committee of the Inter-University Committee for International Migration (at MIT), the steering committee of Project on Middle East Political Science, the advisory board of the “Beyond Borders fellowship” at ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius, and the advisory board of the International Politics of Mobility Sanctions at European Research Council/ University of Glasgow, among other committees.

Past Fellows: