A Message to the Community on Implementation of the BUGWU Contract
From Dr. Gloria Waters, University Provost and Chief Academic Officer
November 14, 2024
Dear Graduate Students, Faculty, and Staff,
As you know, on October 16, the Boston University Graduate Workers Union (BUGWU, SEIU 509) ratified their first contract. The ratification allows us to enter a new chapter in graduate education at Boston University, and I look forward to working with students, faculty, and staff to improve and strengthen the graduate student experience.
Implementation Progress and Student Access to Benefits
We have begun the effort to implement the new contract. With 30 detailed contract articles and more than 130 action items for the University, implementation requires care and attention to detail. It will also take time to develop new processes. We are working with urgency to roll out the contract provisions as quickly as we can, and compensation adjustments are a first priority. New rates go into effect on Friday, November 15, for work completed on or after that date. While some adjustments may process earlier, new rates will be reflected in the November 22 payroll. Students may contact unionfaq@bu.edu with any questions about their compensation.
We want to ensure that as we launch processes or benefits, our students can access them smoothly. We have updated and will be continually adding information to the Office of the Provost website covering the implementation of the BUGWU contract. At the moment, visitors to the site can view the contract and a companion primer that helps clearly explain the provisions (from compensation to new worker evaluation and grievance procedures), community updates, regularly updated FAQs, and a page where members can enroll and learn more about the new benefits available to them, including:
- Compensation benefits
- Student bicyclist benefits
- MBTA passes discounted at 50%
- Dental plan enrollment and subsidy for PhD students in addition to the existing BU Student Health Insurance Plan
- A childcare benefit providing 14 weeks of paid childcare leave for full-time salaried/stipended graduate students who are new parents, along with a $3,500/year childcare subsidy
- An annual help fund to support emergency needs and professional development opportunities
This website will be updated frequently to reflect our progress on contract implementation.
Implementation Information for Faculty and Staff
We recognize that bringing a contract of this scope and complexity online requires considerable adjustment by the faculty and staff who support and manage our students. Our colleagues’ understanding of the new agreement is critical to its successful implementation, and we are committed to providing the information, training, and support they will need. To this end, my office – in partnership with Human Resources and Student Employment – will be hosting town halls and trainings for faculty and staff administrators over the coming weeks, including sessions this week for our directors of graduate studies. We will reach out to these groups individually as these meetings are scheduled and will also be meeting directly with our deans and academic departments.
I believe this contract provides a foundation for important and valuable changes and allows us to remain competitive with our peers. I am likewise grateful for the ongoing collaboration of our colleagues across the University and for the partnership and good faith of our graduate students as we put these new processes, benefits, and policies in place. We look forward to a productive relationship with BUGWU and to the full and successful implementation of our contract with them.
Gloria Waters
University Provost and Chief Academic Officer
A Message to the Community on Implementation of the BUGWU Contract – 11.14.24