The Beverly A. Brown Professorship for the Improvement of Urban Health

From Dr. Jean Morrison, University Provost and Chief Academic Officer

As you may remember, we announced in early March the establishment of a new endowed professorship at Boston University in the emerging discipline of urban global health. Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of our trustee, Mr. Richard Shipley, the Beverly A. Brown Professorship for the Improvement of Urban Health will honor and support a highly distinguished professor whose research, teaching and service ultimately advance the condition of almost half of the world’s population who now live in urban areas.

We are now launching an international-level search to fill this new position. The ideal candidate for this professorship will be a scholar of the highest caliber, whose work seeks innovative approaches to answer some of the greatest challenges associated with the urban environment.

As we begin this search, I have appointed an interdisciplinary committee of distinguished senior faculty to assist with this important process. The full committee roster is below. The committee comprises members of the University community whose work will likely intersect with that of this new professor. I am delighted that Prof. Jonathon Simon, Robert A. Knox Professor, Chair of SPH International Health, and Director of the Center for Global Health & Development, has agreed to chair this committee.

The Beverly A. Brown Professorship Search Committee will be asked to conduct a formal and thorough search and to then submit its recommendations to me. My office will provide administrative support for this effort. The appointment of this Professor will mark a pivotal moment in Boston University’s ongoing development as a global research leader and laboratory for field-defining, multidisciplinary solutions to some of society’s most pressing needs.

I would like to thank the members of this committee in advance for their service to helping shape such an important part of BU’s research portfolio, and look forward to reporting our selection to the broader University community in the months ahead.

Beverly A. Brown Professorship Search Committee Members

Professor Jonathon Simon, School of Public Health, Chair, Dept. of International Health and Director, Center for Global Health and Development

Professor Mary Collins, School of Social Work

Professor Michelle Henshaw, School of Dental Medicine, Associate Dean for Global and Population Health

Professor Julie Palmer, School of Public Health

Professor James Rebitzer, School of Management, Chair, Markets, Public Policy & Law

Associate Professor Muhammad Zaman, College of Engineering, Associate Director, Kilachand Honors College

The Beverly A. Brown Professorship for the Improvement of Urban Health – 4.11.13