Departmental Seminar (September 1 through November 30) Thursday, September 26 2:00 PM BDawes: Resolving biomolecular folding in optical tweezer experiments with arHMM Thursday, October 24 3:30 PM HEE Seminar: Exploring ALPs under the Alps: The Search for a Diphoton Resonance with the CMS Experiment in an Unexplored Mass Range (A. Tsatsos) Monday, November 4 11:00 AM Light-Induced Magnetization From Magnonic Rectification Thursday, November 7 3:30 PM HEE Seminar: Searching for Dark Sector Particles with the SpinQuest Experiment at Fermilab (Z. Wan, Boston University) Wednesday, November 20 10:00 AM Adam Lux: Search for Resonant Production of Leptoquarks with Final State Muon + Jet with the ATLAS Detector 1:00 PM Graduate Student Dept. Seminar: Studies of Higgs Boson Pair Production