Boston University School of Law

Legal History: The Year Books

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Seipp Number:
Marginal Heading
1304.027rs 1304 Common Pleas Cosinage Cosinage ou Bastardie fut allegge par le demandaunt e fut alowe &c.
Regnal Year
King: Plea Number Folio Number
Hil. 32 Edw. 1 [27] RS 61-63
Serjeants/ Justices Plaintiff Surname Plaintiff First Name v. Defendent Surname Defendent First Name
Malberthorpe, Robert de Sjt Malb Malmesbury (for D)
Assheby, Richard de Sjt Asseby Esseby (for P)
Toutheby, Gilbert de Sjt Toudeby
Assheby, Richard de Sjt Asseby
Howard, Wiloiam JCP
Assheby, Richard de Sjt Asseby
Toutheby, Gilbert de Sjt
Assheby, Richard de Sjt Asseby
Friskeney, Walter de Sjt (for D)
Hengham, Ralph CJCP
Toutheby, Gilbert de Sjt
Hengham, Ralph CJCP
Littlebury, Martin de CJCP1268-1272 & CJKB1273-1274 Martyn de LIttebyry J (variant II)
Mettingham, John
Wartone Allein (Alan or Walter) de
Other Plaintiffs Other Names Places Other Defendents
Margaret, wife of Alein de Wartone Gilian (Juliene), mother of defendant Simon
Walter, son of John
John, father of Walter & brother of Simon & husband of Gilian
Simon, uncle of Walter & brother of John & father of plaintiff Margaret
Abridgements Cross-References Statutes
  later proceeding? 1304.036rs = Hil. 32 Edw. 1, pl. [36], RS 75
perhaps cross-reference in variant MSS to 1307.020rs = Hil. 35 Edw. 1, pl. [20], RS 431-433 
Incipit (First Line) Number of Lines
Alein de Wartone e Margaret sa femme porterent un bref de cosinage vers Simond le fiz Gilian &c., e 58
Process and Pleading
Language Notes (Law French)
Sjt Asseby: vus estes bastard
Sjt Friskeney: Excepcioun de bastardye est tut en le dreit, e celuy qest demaundant en bref de possession ne deit pleder plus haut qe la nature de soun bref
Hengham CJCP: le privete entre homme e sa femme ne poet mye estre conu, qar il poiet aver veneu en pais nuyttauntre e aver engendre meisme cele sur sa femme
Sjt Toutheby: en bref de possessioun
(BL MS Addit. 35116, fol 61v, variant:) Hoc idem apparuit in brevi consanguinitatis termino sancti Hilleri anno regni regis E. xxxvto coram R. de Hengham la ou il
voleient aver pris ceste nest fille celui de qi mort etc. Et disoient qe un Jon le Blakeprest lengendra tant qe le barun fust en pilrinage e hors du pays. Et non potuerunt admitti hac causa predicta. Et tunc dixit Hengham: 'Zwo so boleyth myn kyn evre is the calf myn'. (thanks to Dr. Paul Brand for this transcription)
Et tunc dixit Hengham CJCP (in English): Wo so boleth myn kyn, ewerc (or ewere) is the calf myn (quoted in Essays in Medieval History Presented to T.F. Tout, edited by A.G. Little and F.M. Powicke (Manchester 1925), p. 196, n. 3)
(Bolland's transcription, 33 SS xxxi:) hwo (zwo) so boleyth (boleyb) myn kyn Ewere is the calf myn ...
(BL MS. Harley 572, ff. 146r-v): Hoc idem judicium aparuit in brevi consanguinitatis termino sancti Hillarii anno xxxvto coram R. de Hengham la ou il voleyt aver averre qe une tiele ne fut pas fille cely de qi mort etc. et diseyent qe un Johan le Blakeprust la engendra taunk qe le baron fut en pelrinage e hors du pays et non potuerunt admitti hac causa predicta. Et tunc dixit Hengham derisorie 'Ho so bolyez my cou the calfe is oure etc.' (thanks to Dr. Paul Brand for this transcription)
(BL MS Addit. 31826 version II:) Sjt Passelewe: Pater est quem nupcie demonstrant (Pater est quem nuptiae demonstrant, Latin legal maxim, Paulus, Digest 2.4.5)
Abstract Context
Martin de Littlebury CJKB died between 28 Jun. and 23 Sep. 1274
Commentary & Paraphrase
commented upon in Pollock & Maitland, A History of English Law (2nd ed., London, 1898), vol. 2, p. 398
the Simon named in the writ was the deceased father of plaintiff Margaret, not the Simon who was defendant
Hengham CJCP: I have seen a similar case where the tenant made default after the resummons, and thereupon the Grand Cape issued against the tenant; on the other hand, I remember how once a damsel (damoisele) brought an assize of Mortdancestor on the death of her father, etc., and the tenant said that she was not the next heir, the assize came and said that the father of her who brought the assize did, after he married her mother, go beyond the sea (outre mere), and remain there for three years, and that afterwards when he returned to his own country he found her, who then brought the assize, born only a month before he got to his inn (a lostiel), wherefore they of the assize said clearly that she was not his daughter, &c., but notwithstanding that, because the privacies of man and wife cannot be known (le privete entre homme e sa femme ne poet mye estre conu), and he may have come into the country by night and have begotten her on his wife, it was decided by the Justices that she should recover (irrebuttable presumption of paternity)
(BL MS Addit. 35116, fol. 61b variant:) and then Hengham CJCP said; who so bulleth my cow, the calf is always mine (English proverb) (quoted in Essays in Medieval History Presented to T.F. Tout, edited by A.G. Little and F.M. Powicke (Manchester 1925), p. 196, n. 3 (William Craddock Bolland incorrectly attributed this English proverb to Metingham CJCP and misdated this report to 25 Edw. 1 (1297) in 33 SS xxxi, and to 15 Edw. 1 in The Year Books, p. 76, followed by R.E. Megarry, Second Miscellany at Law, p. 229; see also Bartlett Jere Whiting, Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases from English Writings Mainly before 1500 (Cambridge, Mass. 1968). p. 105, C505; Middle English Dictionary, p. 1029, s.v. bolen (verb (dated about 1312); Morris P. Tilley, A Dictionary of Proverbs in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeeth Centuries (Ann Arbor, Mich. 1950), C765; also in 1297.001, 1406.013 = Hil. 7 Hen. 4, pl. 13, fol. 9a-9b, and 1440.003 = Hil. 18 Hen. 6, pl. [27], fol. 30b-34b (cf. Leges Henrici Primi, 77, 2a, p. 242: uitulus autem matris est, cuiusque taurus alluserit)
Manuscripts Mss Notes Editing Notes Errors
?LI MS Misc. 87, fols. 124a-129b
?LI MS Hale 188
BL MS Addit. 31826, fol. 373 c (Hil. 32 Edw. 1) (version II)
BL MS Addit. 35116, fol. 61v (variant)
BL MS. Harley 572, ff. 146r-v (variant)
version II had 46 lines (in Tout Essays, pp. 195-196)
Alfred J. Horwood, Year Books of the Reign of Edward the First: Years XXXII and XXXIII (1304-1305), Rolls Series no. 31, part A, vol. 4 (London 1864), pp. 60-63
Paul Vinogradoff, 'Ralph of Hengham as Chief Justice of the Common Pleas,' in Essays in Medieval History Presented to Thomas Frederick Tout, ed. A.G. Little & F.M. Powicke (Manchester, 1925), pp. 190-192 (summary), 195-196 (French text) (version II)
Plea Roll Record Year Record Plaintiffs Record Defendants Last Update
0 2008-09-21
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