Boston University College of Fine Arts
School of Theatre presents
By Ursula Le Guin | Adapted by Natsu Onoda Power | Directed by Sara Katzoff | Blurring the lines between dreams and nightmares, The Lathe of Heaven is set in an imagined future that reflects the present tense. Exploring themes of power, utilitarianism, war, love, and progress, this fast-paced, ensemble-based physical-theater performance features moon-pie trivia, live feed projection, 1970’s-nostalgia, and shadow play. | Adapted from the speculative fiction novel written by Ursula K. Le Guin in 1971, playwright Natsu Onoda Power explores the cyclical nature of human history and asks us to question our understanding of reality and the repercussions of power within our present political moment. | $15 General Admission | $10 BU Alumni | Free with BU ID, at the door, day of performance, subject to availability |