Silent Sky

Silent Sky tells the true story of Henrietta Leavitt, the astronomer ahead of her time. It is 1900, and Henrietta has the opportunity to work at Harvard University as a human computer, one of Dr. Edward Pickering’s “harem,” mapping the stars but receiving no scientific credit. But we all know she isn’t going to take the patriarchy pinning her down. If you like big vagina energy this show is for you. Come find out more at the GM and audition if you would like to represent powerful women.

Thursday, Oct 24, 2019 at 8:00pm until 9:30pm on Thursday, Oct 24, 2019
Student Theater @ Agganis, 925 Commonwealth Ave.
Open to General Public
Admission Fees
Student, BU $7.00
Student, non-BU $14.00
Wandering Minds
Boston University

