Request for Access to Shared Facilities – Photonics Center

Please complete this form to request access to the shared facilities at the Photonics Center. Your request will be reviewed by BUPC staff and you will be notified of the decision. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

1.) Company Information

Company Address(Required)
Primary Contact Name(Required)

2.) Project Details

Please provide a concise summary of your research objectives and how the facilities will support your project.
Describe the specific activities you plan to carry out and the equipment or resources required.

3.) Facility Requirements

List the laboratories, equipment, or resources you intend to use.
List any possible hazardous or exotic materials you intend to use
If applicable, describe any unique requirements or technical support needed.

4.) Compliance and Agreement


5.) Submission

Max. file size: 100 MB.
(E.g., project proposals, safety plans, etc.

6.) Declaration
