PhD on Tap aims to provide an opportunity for PhD students across BU to share their research projects with faculty and students alike, learn about the ongoing research being conducted by colleagues and peers across the university, and network with potential collaborators and mentors. The research showcase includes poster presentations by early-stage PhD students, the final rounds of our Three-Minute Thesis Competition, and a keynote address.

The 2023 PhD on Tap keynote address, “From Balancing Act to Integration: Integrating Research and Practice Into an Academic Career,” was delivered by Dr. Lauren Easterling (MDIV, PhD) from the Indiana University School of Medicine.

Three-Minute Thesis Winners

First Place (Tie):

Anna Berenson, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry (MCBB) Program, Department of Biology, “Paired Yeast One-Hybrid Assays to Detect DNA-Binding Cooperativity and Antagonism Across Transcription Factors”

Hannah Puttre, Counseling Psychology & Applied Human Development “Examining Curiosity in Early Childhood: Implications for Early STEM Learning and Persistence”

People’s Choice Award:

Hannah Puttre, Counseling Psychology & Applied Human Development“Examining Curiosity in Early Childhood: Implications for Early STEM Learning and Persistence”

Poster Presentation Award Winner

Yiding Zhong, Mechanical Engineering, “Wet Etching of Silicon in 2-D Planar Nanochannels and Vertical Nanotrenches”