Office of Research Mentoring Circles

The Office of Research is organizing a staff mentoring circle pilot program in the 2022 calendar year. This program is open to staff members within units that report to the Office of Research.

A staff mentoring circle is a group of staff members who meet monthly to exchange experiences, challenges, and opportunities for the purpose of creating cross-departmental connections, a sense of belonging within the Office of Research, and developing knowledge and skills in a collaborative environment. Each staff mentoring circle will composed of 4-8 staff members and a mentor, who will serve as the group’s facilitator. The pilot program will begin with a cohort of 4 circles.

Goals of the Mentoring Circle Program

  • Offer mentoring experiences to support the professional development of Office of Research staff as mentors and mentees
  • Develop cross-departmental networks for staff across areas that report to the Office of Research
  • Provide opportunities for staff to interact with peers on topics related to career development
  • Develop mentoring experiences that increase staff job satisfaction and create a meaningful sense of belonging

Confidentiality & Trust

Circle members will develop community agreements for their group discussions, including how they will establish and maintain each other’s trust throughout their participation in the program. Participants should also understand that while generalizable lessons learned within the sessions may leave with them, individual and personal stories should stay, meaning that specific ideas / stories shared in the session should generally be held as confidential and are not meant to be shared outside of the group’s discussions.

Circle Leaders & Participants

The Office of Research will provide professional development opportunities designed to elevate mentors and mentees, or circle leaders and participants, as visible leaders at the University throughout the program. We want this experience to be to the benefit of the mentors as much as it will provide career development for circle mentees. Cohorts of leaders and participants will be formed based on similar goals and interests.

Learn more about our Circle Leaders.

Learn more about becoming a Circle Participant. 


Program Schedule 2022-23