Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine Postdoc Appointment Process
PDPA is responsible for overseeing and approving Postdoctoral Associate, Postdoctoral Associate NRSA and Postdoctoral Fellow positions at Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine ( Previously handled by the Dean’s office).
Postdoctoral scholars compensated via Boston University funding sources (e.g., grants, departmental funds) are University employees and should be appointed as postdoctoral associates.
Postdoc associate NRSA at Boston University are scholars who are compensated via NIH T 32s, F32s, TL grants and also those compensated with a combination of funds from their fellowship and BU funding.
Postdoctoral fellows at Boston University are scholars who are compensated entirely via external fellowships.
The steps for submission and approval are outlined below.
Step 1: PI/Departmental Administrator completes the Postdoc Proforma for Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine which can be downloaded from POSTDOC PROFORMA CAMED and emails the form and the candidate’s CV to and (in the same message). To select the appropriate title for the postdoc based on funding, refer to this page.
Steps 2 and 3: Simultaneous review by Finance and PDPA: Finance reviews to ensure appropriate funds are available for the duration of the appointment, while PDPA reviews to ensure that the individual is qualified to be a postdoc (received doctorate degree) and the appointment satisfies the University’s Policy for Postdoctoral Scholars (including meeting the minimum annual salary for postdoc associates and postdoc fellows).
Step 4: PDPA generates an offer letter upon approval of both the candidate’s qualifications and financial support for the position.
Step 5: PI/Departmental Administrator collects the appropriate signatures from the PI, chair, and candidate.
Step 6: PI/Department Administrator returns the signed offer letter to PDPA along with incoming postdoc’s personal contact information. PDPA uses this information to reach out to the postdoc with onboarding resources to assist in the transition to the University.
Step 7: PI/Departmental Administrator processes the onboarding and hires candidate in SAP, and initiates visa process if applicable. The Dean’s Office will continue to oversee a candidate’s visa application requiring the Dean’s signature.
Please direct any questions to Pallavi Eswara, Director, Postdoctoral Affairs.