Shifrinson Gives Talk at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Joshua Shifrinson, Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, have a May 3, 2019 talk at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory entitled “Rising Titans, Falling Giants: China’s Rise and American Decline in Perspective.”

Shifrinson’s talk drew on his recently published book, Rising Titans, Falling Giants: How Great Powers Exploit Power Shifts (Cornell University Press, 2018), as well as a series of articles he recently published in the Journal of Strategic Studies and The Washington Quarterly.

In the talk, Shifrinson compared Chinese-American relations to other rising and declining state relations in history. Using the theory developed in his book, Shifrinson then offered some thoughts on the potential future pathways for Chinese-American politics.

Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson’s teaching and research interests focus on the intersection of international security and diplomatic history, particularly the rise and fall of great powers and the origins of grand strategy.  He has special expertise in great power politics since 1945 and U.S. engagement in Europe and Asia. Shifrinson’s first book, Rising Titans, Falling Giants: How Great Powers Exploit Power Shifts (Cornell University Press, 2018) builds on extensive archival research focused on U.S. and Soviet foreign policy after 1945 to explain why some rising states challenge and prey upon declining great powers, while others seek to support and cooperate with declining states.