Faculty Research Fellow Jeffrey Geddes Gives Talk at 2023 ACS Spring Meeting

Jeffrey Geddes, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth & Environment and a Pardee Center Faculty Research Fellow, recently gave an invited talk at the American Chemical Society’s 2023 Spring Meeting in Indianapolis.

The title of his talk was “Sources and Sinks in the Biosphere: Advancing the Predictive Capacity of Ecosystem-Atmosphere-Chemistry Interactions.” In his presentation, Prof. Geddes discussed the challenges in accurately representing dynamic vegetation processes in current atmospheric chemistry models. His work points to the emerging importance of nitrogen cycling in soils for future air quality due to the large fluxes of reactive nitrogen into the atmosphere. He is currently working on incorporating these emissions into long-range chemistry-climate simulations.

Prof. Geddes’s talk included results from his research supported by the Pardee Center Faculty Research Fellows program, where he leads a two-year project titled “Global Air Quality in the 22nd Century: The Role of Climate- and Land Use-Driven Perturbations to Atmospheric Nitrogen Cycling.” The project aims to quantify climate- and land use-driven changes to the atmospheric nitrogen cycle that may cause unexpected, and previously unexamined, impacts on global air quality.