Pardee Center Co-Publishes Paper on Pakistan’s Water Scarcity Challenge

Pakistan’s declining per capita water availability has increasingly led international organizations to consider the country to be on the brink of water scarcity. At the same time, water resource governance in the country is in the midst of a major overhaul.

The Atlantic Council’s South Asia Center and the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future recently held an off-the-record workshop to discuss Pakistan’s current and future water challenges, focusing specifically on water governance solutions that may be achievable given the current political climate. Participants worked to outline a novel, holistic, and equitable approach to analyzing the country’s water challenge.

Among the key points put forward in the resulting paper are that Pakistan’s water scarcity debate must be reframed; climate change is the principal water issue; cities are now at the forefront of Pakistan’s water challenge; and water governance must be reimagined going forward.

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