Pardee Center Hosts Seminar on the Future of Work
On April 11, the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future hosted a seminar titled “The Job: Work and Its Future in a Time of Radical Change.” The panel discussion was convened by Ellen Ruppel Shell (Pardee Center Faculty Associate, and Professor and Co-Director of the Graduate Program in Science Journalism), and included Patricia Cortes (Associate Professor of Markets, Public Policy, and Law at the Questrom School of Business) and Michel Anteby (Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at the Questrom School of Business).
The discussion was based largely on Prof. Ruppel Shell’s recent book, The Job: Work and Its Future in a Time of Radical Change (Penguin Random House 2018). In the book, Prof. Ruppel Shell explores the ways that work is changing in America as a result of digitalization, automation, globalization, and growing inequality brought on by the disappearance of the reliable middle-class jobs on which the nation was built. She also seeks answers to why Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs, and about what we can to regain control over our working lives.
Click here for more information, and to purchase the book.