Respiratory and Physiological Systems Identification Laboratory is currently
involved in the development of novel linear and nonlinear systems identification
approaches for probing mechanisms associated with healthy and diseased
physiological systems and with principal applications in respiratory physiology.
Advanced application
of mechanistic, morphometric, and anatomic based models for developing
an integrated understanding of the structure-function relations in the
lung with emphasis on the role of smooth muscle and inflammation on
static and dynamic lung function in asthma.
Development of
novel measurement, monitoring and signal processing techniques that
provide new insights on the structural airway and tissue conditions
of the healthy and diseased lung.
Advancing new paradigms
and technologies for mechanical ventilation base on fundamental biological
principals so as to improve diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
Emphasis on role of mechanical stress on ventilator induced lung injury
and function.
Advancing linear
and nonlinear sensitivity and systems identification science to evaluate
the efficacy of applying models to physiological data with emphasis
on structural lung models.
Understanding the
origins of linear and nonlinear properties of physiological systems.