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Open Textbook Workshop for Faculty, February 9

January 17th, 2017

in African Studies Library, Astronomy Library, Frederick S. Pardee Management Library, Mugar Memorial Library, Music Library, Pickering Educational Resources Library, Science and Engineering Library, Stone Science Library

Are you a faculty member concerned about the impact of high textbook costs on your students? Are you searching for open educational content that you can freely use, edit, and distribute? Explore open textbook solutions at
the BU Libraries’ Open Textbook Workshop and receive a $400 stipend for reviewing an open textbook from the Open Textbook Library. A limited number of stipends are available for faculty members who participate in the workshop and contribute a written review afterwards. 

The workshop will be held on Thursday, February 9, 12:30-2:00pm, in the Mugar Library. RSVP by February 2. If you cannot attend, but are still interested in learning more about open textbooks at a future workshop or presentation, please let us know by filling out the RSVP form and indicating your interest. 

If you have questions about this workshop or open textbooks, please contact Anna Newman, Open Access Specialist in the BU Libraries, at 617-358-8563 or newmanaa@bu.edu.