Sparking Joy in Cannabis Policy
The Record spoke with BU Law Professor Jay Wexler about his recently published book, Weed Rules: Blazing the Way to a Just and Joyful Marijuana Policy (UC Press 2023), which suggests a new approach to cannabis policy that focuses on promoting equity and recognizing the benefits of cannabis.
Inspired Intersections
Professor Jay Wexler on writing hist latest book, When God Isn’t Green.
The Five Oddest Clauses in the US Constitution
Jay Wexler sheds light on nation’s founding document in BU Today.
Immigration, the Environment, Executive Actions, and the Limitations of the Executive Branch
BU Law faculty share insights into the first week of Donald Trump’s presidency.
Legalize, Tax, and Regulate Marijuana?
Jay Wexler discusses the Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Initiative—Question 4 on the Massachusetts ballot.
BU Law Holds Symposium to Celebrate Jay Wexler’s Latest Book
Wexler completed When God Isn’t Green, published by Beacon Press, while on a Fulbright scholarship to teach in Argentina.
When God Isn’t Green
Professor Jay Wexler’s latest book examines the push and pull between religion and environmentalism.