Examine legal issues related to intangible assets.

View Intellectual Property LLM Program Learning Outcomes

Our expansive intellectual property law curriculum offers a range of courses and seminars examining the economic, ethical, and social issues arising from the creation and ownership of intangible assets. All LLM in Intellectual Property and Information Law students must complete the following required courses:

Required Courses
(This includes a 0-credit LLM Professional Skills Lab.)

In addition, students must complete three of the following foundational courses:

Students must also complete at least 5 credits from the following courses:
(Any course listed above in addition to the 3 required courses.)

Elective Courses

While the required “core” courses are offered annually, electives change each year as new professors join the faculty, some take sabbaticals, others visit, and new courses are added. During the academic year, LLM in Intellectual Property and Information Law students will earn the 24 credits required for the degree by completing the required courses listed above, and selecting their remaining courses from the following electives:

(S)  Denotes seminar

Subject to change