Event Highlights: Reggaetón in Spain

This talk, by CLAS Visiting Researcher Marina Arias Salvado, took place at the Howard Thurman Center at Boston University on Thursday, October 17, 2022.

Marina Arias Salvado is a PhD candidate in Department of Musicology at the Complutense University of Madrid, where she is working on a dissertation entitled “El reggaetón en España: industria musical, identidades, hibridación cultural y corporalidad.” At Boston University she is researching “Spanish Reggaetón and ‘Latinized’ Musical Personae: The Ambiguities of Spanish Artists Within the Latin Urban Music Scene.”

Reggaetón arrived in Spain in the early 2000s, reaching wide dissemination through the country’s territory. Through the study of newspaper and music production, Marina’s research seeks to identify the main cultural meanings that reggaetón acquired in Spanish popular culture during the last two decades. From a popular music studies perspective, her explores some of the “histories” of this genre in Spain.

Moderated by Michael Birenbaum Quintero, Associate Professor of Music and Chair, Musicology & Ethnomusicology.

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