Yot Teerawattananon, PhD, PgDip, MD
Email: yot.t@hitap.net
A specialist in health service and system research, Yot Teerawattananon is a founding leader of the Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Programme (HITAP, http://www.hitap.net/en), a semi‐autonomous health technology assessment agency under the auspices of Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health. The work of HITAP have been used to inform policy decisions regarding the adoption of medicines, vaccines, medical devices, health promotion and disease prevention programmes under the Universal Health Coverage Scheme and the national pharmaceutical reimbursement list. Yot has also been appointed to serve on a number of national policy committees in Thailand, including the Committee for Development of the National List of Essential Medicines (since 2007). HITAP was referred in the World Health Report 2013 of the World Health Organization as a role model organization informing policy decisions to support Universal Health Coverage in resource‐limited settings (http://www.who.int/whr/2013/report/en/index.html.
Yot has gone on to provide technical advice to many national and international agencies such as: the Gates Foundation, WHO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and the Centre for Global Development (CGD), giving him a broad knowledge of key issues in global health. He has also worked in Bhutan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Yot is also one of the founders of HTAsiaLink (http://htasialink.org/), a regional network comprising of governmental health technology assessment agencies throughout Asia. He has more than 80 international publications in peer‐reviewed journals and served as an associate editor or editor of several national and international journals, giving him a strong international network of contacts.
Recent publications of interest:
Thiboonboon K, Leelahavarong P, Wattanasirichaigoon D, Vatanavicharn N, Wasant P, Shotelersuk V, Pangkanon S, Kuptanon C, Chaisomchit S, Teerawattananon Y. An Economic Evaluation of Neonatal Screening for Inborn Errors of Metabolism Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry in Thailand. PLoS One. 2015 Aug 10;10(8):e0134782.
Santatiwongchai B, Chantarastapornchit V, Wilkinson T, Thiboonboon K, Rattanavipapong W, Walker DG, Chalkidou K, Teerawattananon Y. Methodological variation in economic evaluations conducted in low‐ and middle‐income countries: information for reference case development. PLoS One. 2015 May 7;10(5):e0123853.
Teerawattananon Y and Tritasavit N. A learning experience from price negotiations for vaccines. Vaccine. 2015 May 7;33 Suppl 1:A11‐2.
Chalkidou K, Marquez P, Dhillon PK, Teerawattananon Y, Anothaisintawee T, Gadelha CA, Sullivan R. Evidence informed frameworks for cost‐effective cancer care and prevention in low, middle, and high‐income countries. Lancet Oncol. 2014 Mar;15(3):e119‐31.