Martha Gyansa‐Lutterodt

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Martha Gyansa‐Lutterodt is the Director of Pharmaceutical Services and also the Chief Pharmacist of Ghana’s Ministry of Health. Martha is a Pharmacist with MA in Health Management Planning and Policy as well as Masters in Governance and Leadership.

She serves on several international and national boards including National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) International UK, Pharmacy Council of Ghana, Ghana Psychological Council and also is an Expert member of World Health Organisation Expert Committee on Medicines Policies and Management, WHO, Geneva. She has served on several WHO and World Trade Organisation, West African Health Organisation consultations on Medicines Policy, Trade Related International Property Rights as well as West African Regulatory harmonization strategies.

She is also the chair for the Ghana chapter of International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). She has coordinated several assessments of the pharmaceutical sector in Ghana as well as selection and reimbursement strategies of pharmaceuticals of Ghana’s road towards Universal Health Coverage. As a strategic member of the health sector has contributed meaningfully towards Ghana’s health sector dialogue and strategies. As one of the responsible for drafting Ghana’s Health Policy 2007, she believes in evidence‐based policy decision making and constantly exploring ways of improving the processes that allow health policies to move into practice that provides sustainable outcomes for the most vulnerable. Martha Gyansa‐Lutterodt is a fellow of West African Post graduate College of Pharmacists and a foundation fellow of Ghana College of Pharmacists.

Martha is the current chair for Ghana’s Antimicrobial Resistance Working group that responded to the Global Action Plan on antimicrobial resistance with a country working mechanism. She has been recently recognized and awarded for her contribution to Pharmacy development and practice in Ghana by the ‘2012 Ghana Women of Excellence Awards’.

Selected Publications:

Gyansa‐Lutterodt M. Antibiotic Resistance in Ghana. The Lancet Infect Dis 2013; 13 (12): 1006–1007.

Sinclair D, Gyansa‐Lutterodt M, Asare B, Koduah A, Andrews E, Garner P. Integrating Global and National Knowledge to Select Medicines for Children: The Ghana National Drugs Programme. PLoS Med 2013; 10(5): e1001449.

Cohen JC, Gyansa‐Lutterodt M, Torpey K, Esmail LC, Kurokawa G. TRIPS, the Doha Declaration and increasing access to medicines for Ghana. Global Health 2005:1:17.

Dodoo ANO, Gyansa‐Lutterodt M, Frempong N, Thompson H, Amofa G, Bart‐Plange, C, Allotey NK, Eghan KE. Preliminary Safety Assessment Of Sulphadoxine‐Pyrimethamine During Intermittent Presumptive Treatment Of Pregnant Women In A Region With High Prevalence Of G6PD Deficiency. Int J Risk Saf Med 2005; 17(1‐2):13‐18.