Tyler Perrachione

Tyler Perrachione

Associate Professor, Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, College of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent College

PhD, Neuroscience, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MA, Linguistics, Northwestern University
BA, Linguistics and Cognitive Science, Northwestern University
Kilachand Center, Room 905B


Perrachione directs the Communication Neuroscience Research Lab. He and his team are dissecting the brain’s capacity for communication and speech perception. How do we learn a new language? How do we recognize people by the sound of their voice? Why do some children struggle with reading? Dyslexia is one of Perrachione’s primary areas of investigation and the answer, he believes, lies in the plasticity of the brain. He uses behavioral experiments and sensitive, state-of-the-art technologies for human brain imaging. Perrachione’s work connects him with the Center for Systems Neuroscience, Hearing Research Center, the graduate and undergraduate programs in neuroscience, and the linguistics department. He is also a research affiliate at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT.

Research Interests:

development disorders of language and reading, human voice recognition, social auditory perception, mechanisms of plasticity in human auditory cortex, brain bases of complex auditory processing


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Communication Neuroscience Research Laboratory

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