Requesting New I-20 or DS-2019 for F-2 or J-2 Dependents.
If you have already arrived and you have a spouse and/or minor children who wish to stay with you in the U.S., you must amend your current I-20 or DS-2019 and obtain a new I-20 or DS-2019 for each dependent.
- Print out and complete the Application Form for Dependents (Acrobat PDF File). This form can also be picked up at the ISSO.
- You must provide proof that, in addition to your own tuition, fees and living expenses, you also possess sufficient funds to cover the living expenses of your dependents while they live with you in the U.S. Please refer to our current estimate of expenses to determine how much additional funding you will need to show.If your funds are your own, you only need to submit a bank letter or statement verifying these funds. If you are receiving funds from a sponsor, they will need to provide bank documentation, plus a personal letter of support that verifies they will provide for the living expenses of your spouse and/or children while they stay with you in the U.S. For your convenience, Boston University has prepared a Sponsorship Certification Form for this purpose.
If you currently have financial documentation on file with the ISSO that is less than six months old if requesting an F-2 or less than a year old if requesting a J-2, and it already shows adequate funding, this will be acceptable as proof of funds. However, you may be required to submit a new sponsor letter that states these funds will also be made available for the living expenses of your spouse and/or children.
All financial documents must be originals, signed and dated, written in English, and currency amounts listed in US dollars.
- You must provide proof that, in addition to your own tuition, fees and living expenses, you also possess sufficient funds to cover the living expenses of your dependents while they live with you in the U.S. Please refer to our current estimate of expenses to determine how much additional funding you will need to show.If your funds are your own, you only need to submit a bank letter or statement verifying these funds. If you are receiving funds from a sponsor, they will need to provide bank documentation, plus a personal letter of support that verifies they will provide for the living expenses of your spouse and/or children while they stay with you in the U.S. For your convenience, Boston University has prepared a Sponsorship Certification Form for this purpose.
- Come to the ISSO with the above documentation. Also, bring your passport and current I-20 if requesting an F-2 or your current DS-2019 if requesting a J-2 (do not bring copies). Ask to fill out a request form to add dependents. It normally takes 5 business days to complete this request.
- !J-1 students, If an Exchange Visitor Program sponsor other than BU (as stated in section 2 of your document) issued your DS-2019, you should contact the Responsible Officer of your program for assistance.
Issuance of I-20/ DS-2019
You will be issued an amended I-20 or DS-2019 to reflect the total number of dependents joining you in the U.S. This will become your valid I-20 or DS-2019, and should be attached on top of your old one.
Additionally, an I-20 or DS-2019 will be issued for each dependent to apply for an F-2 or J-2 visa respectively and enter the U.S., or to apply for a change to F-2 or J-2 status if they are already in the U.S.