Completed Series
Read about and watch recordings of events from completed series hosted by the Initiative on Cities.
Black Boston Series
In 2020, the IOC, Boston University Diversity & Inclusion, and WBUR CitySpace hosted a four-part virtual discussion series featuring transformative Black leaders from across Greater Boston.
COVID-19 & Cities Webinar Series
The Initiative on Cities convened experts from Boston University and beyond for in-depth discussions to better understand and inform stakeholders and the general public on the impacts of COVID-19 on cities.
Race, Place, and Space Series
Race, Place, and Space is a series co-hosted by the Boston University Initiative on Cities (IOC), the BU Arts Initiative, and BU Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) that focuses on how racial and ethnic groups access, inhabit, occupy, shape, and are memorialized in urban contexts—as well as the ways their contemporary and historical contributions have been made invisible, disregarded, or denigrated.