Call for Papers: AAG Annual Meeting Session on Anti-Gentrification Policy-Making and Anti-Displacement Toolkits in, and for, Cities: Innovations in Data, Methods, and Policy
Where & When: March 24-28, 2025 | Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
Organizers: Loretta Lees (Boston University), Kenton Card (University of Minnesota), Andre Comandon USC), Prentiss Dantzler (University Toronto), Orwa Switat (Harvard University/Tufts University)
Sponsored by the Association of American Geographers’ Black Geographies Specialty Group
Preventing and/or mitigating the displacement of low-income, marginalized, and/or racialized groups from cities is key to pro-social regeneration and ethical redevelopment. Across the globe, important work is gaining traction in developing anti-gentrification policies and practices and anti-displacement toolkits, yet seldom do the people leading these projects come together to share their work and experiences. In this session, we are interested in hearing about and learning from different attempts to prevent and/or mitigate residential and/or commercial gentrification in cities across the globe. This can be either academic research on these attempts or firsthand presentation from those academics and, indeed, non-academics personally involved in developing practice, policy-making, and toolkits designed to fight gentrification.
Key questions include:
- What kind of anti-gentrification policymaking has occurred/is underway?
- What toolkits have been/are being designed?
- What data/methods and political mechanisms have proven most useful for passage?
- What success has been achieved and their limitations?
- What lessons can be learned?
- How have people worked with cities and/or local communities to this end?
- What has the value of academic/nonacademic collaboration been?
- Is there new hope in the fight against gentrification-induced displacement?
Please send 200-word abstracts to Loretta Lees ( by 5 PM (EST) on October 11th with an email header of “AAG abstract.” We will respond to those who submit abstracts by October 14th, and the AAG’s abstract submission deadline is October 31st.