Gender-Affirming Housing Room Selection

We believe that students should be able to live together regardless of sex or gender, and that the role of BU Housing is to provide all students with comfortable, affirming spaces where they may find community and support. The Housing staff are committed to working with all students to find a room and roommate. To achieve this, we work collaboratively with all transgender, non-binary, questioning, gender non-conforming, and cisgender students to ensure that they feel supported and comfortable while finding a room and identifying a potential roommate.

Continuing students have the option to live gender-affirming spaces by participating in Gender-Affirming Housing Selection during the Room Selection process.

Room Selection

Gender-Affirming Housing Selection takes place during the Room Selection process on its own separate day. Prior to selection day, only students who identify as transgender or do not identify as man or woman in the IAM system will receive a time slot to participate. The following apply to the Gender-Affirming Housing Selection process:

  • Single occupancy rooms will be available for selection.
  • Students are encouraged, but not required to fill the entire unit when assigning themselves or any member of their roommate group.
  • By participating in this process, you consent that any vacancy will be filled by any other student who is participating or requests to live in Gender-Affirming Housing.

Students who do not select a room during Gender-Affirming Housing Selection will receive a timeslot to participate in Gender-Neutral Housing provided that they are part of a room selection group.

Students who do not identify as man or woman in the IAM system can select rooms during Same Room, Gender-Affirming, and Gender-Neutral Housing Selection.