A model for the formation of employee work passion: A summary of findings and future directions.

By Taylor Peyton

Photo by Canva


There are four primary purposes of this chapter. First, the chapter presents a social cognitive model for the formulation of work passion, an operational definition, and its key components. Second, the chapter places the employee work passion appraisal (EWPA) model into perspective using the literature on work passion. Third, the chapter reviews the empirical research studies completed on the EWPA model since its inception. Fourth, the chapter suggests future directions for the research and application of the model. Using social cognitive appraisal theory as its origins, the EWPA model, composed of the components of cognition, affect, a sense of job well-being, and work intentions, will be defined and explored.

Read More: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334515910_A_Model_for_the_Formation_of_Employee_Work_Passion_Initial_Findings_and_Future_Directions