City of Boston Approves New BU Data Sciences Building

It was announced today that Boston University was approved by the city to build a 17-floor Data Sciences building on Commonwealth Ave (at the corner of Commonwealth Ave and Granby St). KPMB Architects has designed the building to resemble a vertical campus where the Department of Computer Science and the Hariri Institute for Computing will be housed amongst others.

Quoted in the article is the Founding Director of the Hariri Institute for Computing, Azer Bestavros, “Students across every major want to take these courses. It’s becoming the bread and butter for every student’s education. Data science is now a unifier across disciplines.” The building is slated for completion in 2022.
About the Hariri Institute for Computing
The Hariri Institute for Computing initiates, catalyzes, and propels transformative computational and data-driven research and training initiatives across the landscape of academic disciplines for a better society.