Collecting Her Thoughts: Lightning Talks on Women Art Collectors Across Time
Collecting Her Thoughts: Lightning Talks on Women Art Collectors Across Time
Date: June 14, 2024
Hybrid: Over Zoom/Boston, MA
Location: CAS 313, Boston University, 725 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA 02215
To receive the Zoom link and/or information about our in-person location, please register for the colloquium using this form.
Collecting Her Thoughts: Lightning Talks on Women Art Collectors Across Time
Arrival & Breakfast (9:00-9:30)
Panel I – Space: Earth and Above
9:30-9:45 Introduction by Danarenae Donato, PhD Candidate, Boston University
9:45-9:55 “Vittoria della Rovere’s collecting practices and the creation of gendered spaces for display”
Alessia Silvi, MA Student, Sapienza University of Rome
Alessia Silvi, MA Student, Sapienza University of Rome
9:55-10:05 “Displaying the Sacred: A Study of Isabella Stewart Gardner’s Chapel at Fenway Court”
Isaline Lefrançois, PhD Student, Boston University
Isaline Lefrançois, PhD Student, Boston University
10:05-10:15 “Curating the ‘Anti-Museum’: Katherine Dreier, Galka Scheyer, Hilla Rebay and the Promotion of Spiritual Modernism in the United States, 1920-1945”
Rachel Denniston, PhD Student, The Courtauld Institute of Art
Rachel Denniston, PhD Student, The Courtauld Institute of Art
10:15-10:25 “Mapping the Cosmos: Vera Rubin and the Art of Astronomy”
Ashar “Usher” Mobeen, PhD Candidate, Western University
Ashar “Usher” Mobeen, PhD Candidate, Western University
10:25-10:45 Q&A
Breakfast Break (10:45-11:00)
Panel II – Making an Amendment
11:00-11:15 Introduction by Ilaria Trafficante, PhD Candidate, Scuola Superiore Meridionale
11:15-11:25 “Female Collectors Navigating Media Systems during La Belle Epoque – a Scandinavian Example”
Mimmi Nihlén, MA Student, Uppsala University
Mimmi Nihlén, MA Student, Uppsala University
11:25-11:35 “Beneath the Provenance Line: Recovering the Women in the Riefstahl Sales”
Roxanne Goldberg, PhD Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Roxanne Goldberg, PhD Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:35-11:45 “The Loyalist Legacy: Martha Codman Karolik’s Ancestry, Collecting, and Nationalism”
MaryKate Smolenski, PhD Candidate, Boston University
MaryKate Smolenski, PhD Candidate, Boston University
11:45-11:55 “The Hidden Collection: Female Patronage and its Influence on the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art”
Raha Golestani, PhD Candidate, Goethe University Frankfurt
Raha Golestani, PhD Candidate, Goethe University Frankfurt
11:55-12:25 Q&A
Lunch Break (12:25-1:10)
Panel III – In a Different Light
1:10-1:20 Introduction by Toni Armstrong, PhD Candidate, Boston University
1:20-1:30 “Private Devotion, Public Display: Situating the Enclosed Gardens of Mechelen within the Context of Women’s Miniaturist Traditions”
Meredith Vigan-Wilbur, MA, University of South Florida
Meredith Vigan-Wilbur, MA, University of South Florida
1:30-1:40 “British Women and the Grand Tour: Not Only Travellers but Refined Connoisseurs of Baroque Neapolitan Art”
Alessia Attanasio, PhD Researcher, University of Birmingham (UK)
Alessia Attanasio, PhD Researcher, University of Birmingham (UK)
1:40-1:50 “Gender and the Realpolitik of Collecting: Fanny van de Grift Stevenson’s Collection of Barkcloth, Samoa 1890-1894”
Sophia Merkin, PhD Candidate, Columbia University and the Metropolitan Museum of Art
Sophia Merkin, PhD Candidate, Columbia University and the Metropolitan Museum of Art
1:50-2:00 “Palestinian Cultural Heritage as Cold War Propaganda”
Mary Lambert, MA Student, University of Utah
Mary Lambert, MA Student, University of Utah
2:00-2:20 Q&A
Conclusions and Thank you (2:20-2:35)
In-Person Reception (2:35-3:20)
725 Commonwealth Ave, Room 303A
This colloquium is organized by Danarenae Donato, Ilaria Trafficante, and Toni Armstrong at Boston University. It is supported by Boston University’s History of Art and Architecture Department, Archaeology Department, and the Women’s and Gender Studies Department.