Congratulations to our Summer 2018 Travel Grant Winners!
Congratulations to the winners of travel grants for the summer! If you would like to apply for a travel grant, the next applications are due on August 1.
Conference Travel Grant Winners:
Lydia Chevalier (Psychology)
Jessica Lambert (Anthropology)
Jacob Negry (Anthropology)
Ashish Bino George (Physics)
Natalie Laudicina (Anthropology)
Evan Kristansen (EBE)
Carmen Rowe (Sociology)
Florian Gargaillo (English)
Christina An (History of Art & Architecture)
Om Dipakbhai Thakkar (Computer Science)
Laura Mayron (Romance Studies)
Elizabeth Cowdery (Earth & Environment)
Research Travel Grant Winners:
Sarah Van Ness (Biostatistics)
Bryn Schockmel (History of Art & Architecture)