This section provides useful information if you are interested in hiring someone in another country to support your project, working abroad yourself, transferring an employee abroad, and/or hiring foreign nationals to work in the US.
Many global activities require faculty and/or staff to be located permanently or for extended periods in the country of operation. These may be:
- employees relocating from their current position in Boston
- individuals (citizens of the host country or not) who are recruited specifically for this activity overseas
- short-term consultants, lecturers, data collectors, and others
Regardless of the duration of the assignment, work performed overseas can present a range of legal, financial, safety, and logistical considerations that create complications and add expenses. Poor planning can result in immigration issues, tax penalties, and other avoidable costs.
Global Programs, in consultation with Human Resources, the Office of the General Counsel, and other stakeholders serves as an advisor on all employment matters and should be consulted prior to any decision-making. Providing us with as much notice as possible will assist with efforts to conduct country-specific employment and labor-related research.