Clinical Teaching Workshops in Hai Phong

Hai PhongClinical Teaching Workshops in Haiphong

Duration: June 2008, September – October 2009

Location: Hai Phong, Vietnam

Donor: Royal Netherlands Embassy in Hanoi


  • Hai Phong Medical University
  • Ministry of Health, Vietnam


Overview: Our faculty embarked on a series of workshops and trainings at Hai Phong Medical University (HPMU) as an important step in the development of a Center of Excellence in Clinical Teaching at Hai Phong as part of a 5 year Program on Human Resource Development for Health implemented by the Ministry of Health of Vietnam and financed by the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Hanoi.


  • Conducted baseline evaluation to assist in developing goals for Center of Excellence
  • Provided initial and follow-up workshops to address clinical teaching topics and concerns, including: problem-based learning, evidence-based medicine, clinical assessment, tutoring/mentoring, direct patient-based training, and continued faculty development
  • Trained over 30 participants from multiple medical schools in clinical teaching techniques to foster dissemination of micro-skills across Vietnam
  • Presented recommendations for project success