Codman Square Health Center

Codman Square Health Center  is a community-based, outpatient health care and multi-service center in the heart of Dorchester.  The center opened its doors in 1979 with a dream: to build the best urban community in America, recognizing that the journey to a true “culture of health” is achieved not just through alleviating sickness, but also through the health of the whole person and the whole community.

Today, the Codman Square Health Center has become an innovative leader in regional, national and international efforts to improve community health. We are home to a staff of 250 multi-lingual and multi-cultural expert clinicians, medical staff and employees, most of whom reside in the neighborhoods surrounding Codman Square. We boast more than 110,000 client contacts each year, and have developed an astounding depth and breadth of community programs, as well as strong partnerships with other organizations in order to meet our mission most efficiently.